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🙏🏞A Mudra is the hand position that is held during meditation. Using Mudras in our practice allows us to infuse intention and directs our breath, energy, and focus. Each Mudra creates energy flow or stimulates the area or quality which is directed by controlled pressing of nerve points in the hand. This flow of energy travels along specific pathways - emphasizing, heightening, opening or engaging specific areas of the body and brain correlated to the specific Mudra. Think of our hands as an energy map of our bodies, so holding Mudras while meditating can send clear and effective messages to the correlated area on our physical body, and the related energy systems (chakras). ⁠ ⁠

Shown here is one of the modifications of the Venus Lock Mudra⁠ -- "Jupiter extended Venus Mudra" - (The index finger is associated with the planet Jupiter, which represents expansion), used when practicing “Sat Kriya”⁠, one of the most important meditations in Kundalini Yoga⁠.

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