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Sat Kriya

Sat Kriya is fundamental kriya in Kundalini Yoga. It works directly to stimulate and channel the kundalini energy, helping it move up the spine through your chakra system. "Sat" is translated into "truth" "Kriya" means "action or effort", in Sankrit.


✨Sat Kriya redirects that sexual energy upward, through the upper chakras causing a balancing of the energy system - This redirected sexual energy is very healing to the entire body⁠

✨Sat Kriya stimulates the glandular (endocrine) system, particularly the lymph glands which remove toxins from the body⁠

✨Sat Kriya strengthens the heart through the rhythmic increase in blood pressure which results from the pumping movement of the navel point⁠

✨Sat Kriya increases and strengthens the nervous system for overall well-being and radiance⁠

✨Rock pose (sitting on the heels) combined with Mulbandh (root lock) stimulates the stomach, intestines and the overall digestive tract ⁠

Sat Kriya can be found at

⁠⬅️Check out the previous post about Mudras

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